Geek-Powered Social Media Solutions

Blogs and Social Media- Social Media & SEO: Part Three

Blogging and Social Media: Combine the Two for Maximum Impact

One type of content that is probably the most important when integrating social media and SEO is blogging content. Blogs are easy to update and simple to optimize, and search engines love blogs because of them. Search engines love blogs because they're updated often and full of informative content, not just because it's a blog.

It's still important to plan and organize the type of content that you will put on your blog. You want high-quality, relevant content that follows good SEO rules and is sharable and enjoyed by real people.

Get More Inbound Links:

Getting inbound links from trusted sources helps improve your page rank and SEO. Search engines use inbound links to rank your website (or the pages on your website) and provide better search engine results to those searching for your content, products, and services.

Create Sharable Content:

You will get more inbound links by creating content that others will enjoy reading or viewing and want to share. Each time someone shares the content you created, it makes a new link pointing to the content you've created. Content that people love to share is viral videos, infographics, and "how-to" content.

Create Regular Content:

If your readers expect a content update, they'll often bookmark your site or visit more often. Plus, you'll become a trusted source of information that your readers will enjoy sharing with others.

Promote Content on Social Media:

Promoting each piece of content you create on your relevant social media accounts is essential. Then ask your followers and friends to share as well. Finally, send out new blog content to your social media accounts, newsletter sign-ups, and subscribers for maximum impact.

But before you even think of sharing anything on social media, it's important to understand where to start.

Optimize Your Social Media Profiles

If your readers expect a content update, they'll often bookmark your site or visit more often. Plus, you'll become a trusted source of information that your readers will enjoy sharing with others.

To create an optimized social media profile, starting with a good headshot or logo of your business is important. Headshots are always better because people like seeing the person they're communicating with, so if you can combine the logo with a headshot, so much better.

You can put a less formal profile picture on Facebook, but you still want it to accurately reflect your business' attitude. A great way to do it on Facebook is to use a logo in the cover photo and a picture of you as the profile picture. Even though it's a business page, people still want to know who you are. You want to fill out every part of the information that Facebook asks for and include links where you can. Facebook also allows you to create unique public landing pages, which we'll discuss later. is set up to be a very professional buttoned-up version of Facebook. is not to be used for personal business but only for business. You want a professional headshot, a professional headline, links to your contact information, and a custom URL. Then you want to add your custom link to your email, business card, and online real estate, such as your blog.

Use a profile picture that accurately represents your business and you, and then complete the profile using links where appropriate. Include information that will pique the interest of followers. Twitter allows you to create custom backgrounds, ensuring that your experiences make the most of the space allowed.

Replace the push pin with your picture. Pinterest is much more interactive, so an action shot of you might be as effective as a profile picture. Next, create an excellent keyword-rich profile description so that your audience knows to follow you. Then, tell the readers what to expect from your pinning activities. Finally, be sure to verify your website. This ensures viewers that you're not a spammer.

Platforms like Instagram are very visual and focus on visual content. While general images are good to share that promote your content, you should make them more personal, filled with your persona and your brand's persona.

Mobile-friendly websites and blog designs:

As more people access the internet through mobile devices, it is crucial to ensure that your website and blog are mobile-friendly. This means having a responsive design that adapts to different screen sizes, ensuring fast loading times, and optimizing images and other media for mobile viewing. By providing a seamless experience for mobile users, you can keep your audience engaged and encourage them to share your content on social media platforms.

Visual content and platforms:

In today's online environment, visual content is more important than ever. Platforms like Instagram and TikTok prioritize images and videos, which can drive significant engagement and social media shares. To capitalize on this trend, consider incorporating more visual elements into your blog posts, such as infographics, videos, and high-quality images. This can make your content more appealing and shareable on social media, helping you reach a larger audience.

Influencers and collaborations:

Partnering with influencers and other content creators can provide new opportunities for exposure and audience growth. By collaborating on blog posts, social media campaigns, or other projects, you can leverage the combined reach of multiple influencers to promote your content to a broader audience. Additionally, these collaborations can help establish credibility and trust, as audiences are likelier to engage with content endorsed by someone they respect or admire.

Analytics tools for tracking performance:

Utilizing analytics tools can help you monitor your social media and blogging performance, allowing you to optimize your strategies for better results. You can identify trends and patterns that inform your content creation and social media efforts by tracking key metrics such as engagement, traffic, and conversions. This data-driven approach can help you make more informed decisions and maximize the impact of your online presence.

Content personalization and targeted marketing:

In today's digital landscape, personalized content and targeted marketing have become increasingly important. You can boost engagement and conversion rates by segmenting your audience and delivering relevant content tailored to their interests and preferences. Utilize tools and techniques such as email segmentation, retargeting ads, and personalized recommendations to create a more tailored experience for your audience, ultimately leading to stronger connections and increased loyalty.

Ephemeral content and strategies:

The rise of ephemeral content, such as Instagram Stories and Snapchat, has created new opportunities for engaging audiences more immediately and authentically. These short-lived content formats can capture users' attention and encourage them to interact with your brand more personal. Incorporate ephemeral content into your social media strategy by sharing behind-the-scenes moments, promoting time-sensitive offers, or showcasing user-generated content. Doing so can foster a deeper connection with your audience and keep them coming back for more.

Whichever accounts you use, whether it's these examples or others, it's important to use the tools that the social media account provides. Use them fully and in completion. For instance, on, you can upload videos and slide shares, videos, and more.

While you might not have material to include today, as you're creating the profile, when you learn that social media allows you to incorporate something new, create that content as soon as possible to make your profile stand out.

Brand Your Social Media Accounts with the Same Persona

You want to carry your brand across all of your social media profiles. They don't have to be identical but should be related and not contradict one another. Use similar logos, fonts, colors, backgrounds, and profile information across all accounts but specific to each.

For instance, is much more formal than Facebook, so you want a more professional headshot. You would also like to share only the most specific content and information there. With Facebook, you can get a little more personal and be less formal. So, the first rule is to remember where you are, but the second rule is to remember the persona.

Read Part Four in our series regarding developing trust with your followers!

Social Media & SEO Part 2


Tags: marketing / company / SEO

Developing Trust with Social Media Part 4
